Tag Archives: protests

What Fox News isn’t Showing You (Video)

For my “Anti-Occupy” friends: What Fox News Isn’t Showing You.

I know you disagree with a lot of what Occupy stands for, and I respect your right to have those ideas. I’m asking you to try to put that pov aside for 10 minutes to watch this raw unedited video you won’t see on MSM.

Please ask yourself what was accomplished? How much taxpayer money was spent to surround a group of protesters who simply wanted to have a protest march through public space.

Also ask yourself if you think it is morally, ethically, or legally right to prevent any exit route for peaceful protesters, declare the entire group under mass arrest, and stick the taxpayers with the bill.

Even if you disagree with why they are assembling, they have a right to assemble without being herded and corralled like cattle, beaten, intimidated, shot at, gassed, etc.

NOT because I agree with what they are protesting about, but because I believe they have a constitutionally guaranteed right to protest and express dissatisfaction with their Govt.

As does the Tea Party, and the NRA, and Westboro Baptist. (JustSayin) 😉

Uploaded by RTAmerica on Jan 31, 2012
According to the eye-witness who captured this footage, an Occupy march was stopped by Oakland PD at Telegraph Avenue and William Street. There protesters were asked to leave but were surrounded. Cops used flash grenades, pointed guns at protesters and used batons against the unarmed demonstrators. Eventually the protesters find a way out.

This video courtesy of @ryanj

Watch the original video @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfhrmtNXrOk

See the clip with enhanced brightness: