Tag Archives: Bill Maher

Top Posts for February 3-10, 2012

Top posts for the last 7 days:

Maher Tells Occupiers to Get a Job

Breaking News: Prop 8 Ruling – Full Text

Kasich Mic-Checked at State of State

Susan G. Komen Anonymous Hack (pic)

What does the Guy Fawkes Mask Mean to You?

Fawkes, V, or Anonymous? What does it mean to you?

Maher tells Occupiers to Get a Job

Maher says he find himself “almost in agreement with Newt Gingrich” and tells them to “get a job.”

He has a bit of a point. Throwing a chair through window… That’s more Kristallnacht than revolutionary imo.

The groups in heavy media rotation right now are not the basic “Occupier”, the kids with shields, etc are not regular Occupiers, they are a group of Anarchists referred to as Black Block (or more accurately, Black bloc)

Remember when the media was saying all the Tea Partiers are racists and used images of white supremacists etc. at rallies while ignoring the majority?

Tea Party Racism

The mainstream media showed the more racially motivated signage people made, and the minority of Tea Partiers who happened to be racists. A more militant and fringe element was used to paint the entire movement.

I know a number of Tea Party peeps who really bristled at the media’s willingness to lump them together and sell them as a package deal.

I tend to share those feelings when I see media paint the entire Nationwide (Worldwide) Occupy movement with the anarchy brush.

The 2 groups are not mutually exclusive, but painting the anarchists as representative of the whole is inaccurate. Bill should know better.