Monthly Archives: February 2012

Anonymous Is Ready to Party-Declares Ohio Occupy Festival: Enagaged

The group known as Anonymous has selected one of the longest standing continuous Occupations in the US for a gathering the week before the G8 in Chicago this Spring.

Which Occupy is this you ask? You’ll never guess… Cleveland, Ohio.

That’s right, Cleveland, home of the Browns, the Rock Hall of Fame, and weather bad enough to rival Buffalo, is also the home of one of the longest continuously Occupied Occupy encampments in the United States.

Ohio’s newest claim to fame appears in this video by the group “Anonymous” that surfaced on Social Media late Friday evening with the cryptic lettering “A28-M5CLE“.

A28-M5CLE seems to refer to the dates of an Occupy Cleveland Street Festival starting April 28th. I’m not sure if Occupy Cleveland planned on hosting Anonymous Party Crashers, but for a town that boasts of it’s own “Factory of Sadness”, I can definitely see an Anonymous/Occupy Street Festival being just the ticket to lift Ohio’s spirits. And in Rock and Roll style if history is any indication.

And the political Junkie in me is well aware of the implications for the Occupy movement.

Ohio is shaping up to be the swing state to end all swing states this year, crawling with candidates and the media trail that accompanies them. If you ask me Cleveland has an opportunity to put on one heck of a Festival (Wonder if they’ll have a burning man?) and really create an amazing, inspirational, non-violent, community Festival showcasing Occupy Cleveland.

I certainly hope so, for Ohio’s sake. But I will at least say this, The Anonymous video is certainly a better “tourism promotion” than this Cleveland gem ;D

What do you think? Will it be a beautiful festival of love and community? Will you stop by?


“Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day, but a series of repressions, too plainly prove a deliberate systematical plan of reducing us to slavery. The God who gave us life gave us liberty … Continue reading

RIP Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston is dead at 48.

If tomorrow is judgement day?

Whitney Houston – My Love Is Your Love (Jonathan Peters Remix) Full Version

Up With Chris Hayes – Culture Wars Video 2/11/12

Does birth control matter to you? Have a socially progressive pet issue? Chances are it’s covered in this weeks Up With Chris Hayes.

1960 called, they want their politics back

Most of my regular readers know I watch every weekend (DVR and online baby! I like to get my beauty-sleep!) and I’m never dissapointed by the dissection discussion. It mimics the feel of coffee with friends after college classes. When all the nerds   my friends and I would gather to add to our professors latest insight, or have a running commentary on the economic impact of default student loans over cheap beer at Becky’s.

Long story short, I dig it. What can I say? I’m a fan.

I’ve read a few books based on show guests, and I haven’t been dissapointed yet.

Baratunde Thurston’s How to Be Black was drop dead hilarious.  I listened to it through my audible account while insomnia/packing and guffawed rather loudly a number of times. I was able to grin while packing (no easy feat) and learn a few things along the way, and according to How to be Black I’m well on my way to cafe au lait. (Happy February, lol, Wink Wink @baratunde )

Next on my list is Going Solo by one of Saturday’s guests, Eric Kinenberg.  He sold me when he commented on our culture’s conflation of “Living alone, being alone, and being lonely” .
Huzzah sir, you’re right on point!

(Scroll down for video)

Going Solo- Kindle Edition

–> CAN.NOT.WAIT. For Melissa Harris-Perry’s show next week. She nailed her analysis of marriage, religious controls,  and women’s control of their fertility! She’s such a smarty pants!

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Top Posts for February 3-10, 2012

Top posts for the last 7 days:

Maher Tells Occupiers to Get a Job

Breaking News: Prop 8 Ruling – Full Text

Kasich Mic-Checked at State of State

Susan G. Komen Anonymous Hack (pic)

What does the Guy Fawkes Mask Mean to You?

Fawkes, V, or Anonymous? What does it mean to you?

What does the Guy Fawkes Mask Mean to You?

Fawkes, V, or Anonymous? What does it mean to you?

I’ve been having this discussion with some of my fellow Sociology nerds, so I’m throwing together a poorly designed “Fawkes Poll” to try and win an argument 😉

 Help me out!

What do you think?

Governor Kasich ‘Mic-Checked’ at State of State by outraged anti-fracking protestors

We Can't Drink Money

Mic-check text:

“John Kasich is selling out Ohio to the Frackers and Wall Street. We will not be silenced. We will not be bought. We are the people. People power not corporate profits.”

ohiofracktion: to save the land and people

By OhioFracktion

Steubenville, OH  Outside the State of the State address hundreds of Ohioans rallied against Governor Kasich’s false energy solution of hydraulic fracturing, which he has called a ‘godsend’ for the economy and paved the way for.  The rally highlighted the devastating ecological environmental and public health concerns that are already being felt across the state.  Attending were community activists, environmental and labor organizations, and elected officials championing a halt on all fracking.

View original post 112 more words

Breaking News: Prop 8 Ruling – Full Text


Breaking- California Appeals Court rules Prop 8 UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

The court’s website crashed almost immediately after the announcement was made. Coming through as always is the delightful Rachel Maddow, who made this copy available through the Maddow Blog

Pass it on!

Maher tells Occupiers to Get a Job

Maher says he find himself “almost in agreement with Newt Gingrich” and tells them to “get a job.”

He has a bit of a point. Throwing a chair through window… That’s more Kristallnacht than revolutionary imo.

The groups in heavy media rotation right now are not the basic “Occupier”, the kids with shields, etc are not regular Occupiers, they are a group of Anarchists referred to as Black Block (or more accurately, Black bloc)

Remember when the media was saying all the Tea Partiers are racists and used images of white supremacists etc. at rallies while ignoring the majority?

Tea Party Racism

The mainstream media showed the more racially motivated signage people made, and the minority of Tea Partiers who happened to be racists. A more militant and fringe element was used to paint the entire movement.

I know a number of Tea Party peeps who really bristled at the media’s willingness to lump them together and sell them as a package deal.

I tend to share those feelings when I see media paint the entire Nationwide (Worldwide) Occupy movement with the anarchy brush.

The 2 groups are not mutually exclusive, but painting the anarchists as representative of the whole is inaccurate. Bill should know better.

Susan G Komen Anonymous Hack (pic)

Screenshot that highlights Susan G Komen website hack. Taken at 11pm PDT. From @JC_Christian

Screenshot from Susan G Komen site-Post hack

Screenshot that highlights Susan G Komen website hack. Taken ... on Twitpic